
Assessment of Adults

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Psychological assessment and testing tools are standardised, valid, reliable, and recognised worldwide.  They can help you gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and how they can affect your ability to interact with others, build emotional resilience, perform certain tasks and navigate daily life.

The most commonly used psychological assessments are intelligence assessments and mental health assessments. However, many businesses and organizations are now using psychological testing and evaluation to help determine whether or not an applicant is likely to be a good candidate for a position within a company, or to determine the needs of an active employee.

What are the types of psychological assessments available?

Mental Health Assessment:

Assesses for mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders etc. and differentiate between mental and physical health problems.

Psycho-diagnostic Assessments:

Assesses concerns related to behaviour, personality traits, emotional functioning and cognitive processes.

Victim Impact Assessment:

Assesses individuals who have experienced a crime, accident, or unfair treatment to evaluate the level of psychological harm experienced as a result of the event.

Recruitment Assessments:

Assesses the intelligence, aptitude, and personality of a job candidate to ensure they are the right fit for the culture of the organisation.

Parental Capacity Assessment:

Assesses parent’s ability to parent their child, including where they struggle and what improvements they can make, as well as what they are doing well. (Not a custody assessment)

What does the psychological assessment process include?

  • An intake session/clinical interview
  • One or more testing sessions with reliable and up-to-date assessment measures
  • Consultation with other professionals (when applicable)
  • Review of previous records (when applicable)
  • A detailed written report
  • A feedback session to provide a thorough explanation of the results and recommendations

Psychological assessments may take up to a few hours and require more than one visit depending on the type of assessment being conducted. The client can expect to partake in a series of standardized written tests that may take the form of questionnaires, ability ranking lists, surveys, checklists etc.

Information gathered from the tests and interviews will be used to write up an overall evaluation, determine a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan or provide referrals, where necessary.